1,感谢你(童第周)发给我一个东西的复印版(reprints of your interesting ...),信正文第三行最左边的单词没看出来
2,感谢你答应(承诺promised us)我们一起携手(cooperation)搞一个什么期刊(也应该是胚胎学相关的,学术期刊)
谁发的,没看出来作者: prior 时间: 2016-5-26 15:54
回复 3#zhang_jv
Amsterdam June 24,1948
Dear Dr. Tung
First of all I have to thank you for your kindness of sending me reprints of your interesting papers.
Then I have to express my thanks for the cooperation in the Editorial Board of our new journal of experimental embryology which you have promised us.
Be so kind as to remember me to Dr. Norrison and Nicholas.
Yours sincerely
M.W.Woerdeman作者: zhang_jv 时间: 2016-5-27 11:37