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标题: World Stamp Show [打印本页]

作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-5 06:57     标题: World Stamp Show

本帖最后由 williamzhang 于 2015-8-5 11:04 编辑

There is a world stamp show in Singapore between Aug 14- Aug 19, 2015.
For more information, please see the following link:

Also, the 2016 world stamp show will be held in the city of New York on May 28 - Jun 4, 2016.
I will visit the show and would like to meet friends from Hua You Wang there.


图片附件: WorldStampShow.png (2015-8-5 07:14, 370.28 KB) / 下载次数 67

作者: 莆田邮俊    时间: 2015-8-5 10:05

It is a good thing
作者: 曾雷    时间: 2015-8-5 10:19

作者: 布约翰拍卖    时间: 2015-8-5 10:24

回复 1# williamzhang

     Welcome to John Bull's booth in Singapore, we are looking forward to seeing you, Mr Zhang.
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-5 11:10

本帖最后由 williamzhang 于 2015-8-5 11:27 编辑

回复 4# 布约翰拍卖

It is too far away from Boston to Singapore, but would like to see you at 2016 World Stamp Show in New York City next year.
It would be greatly appreciated if you can find some Foochow Kuliang covers or postcards for me.
作者: 布约翰拍卖    时间: 2015-8-5 11:24

回复 5# williamzhang

     福州鼓嶺,we will keep in mind!!
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-14 17:48

It is a good thing
莆田邮俊 发表于 2015-8-5 10:05

Please see the pictures about the World Stamp Show in Singapore.  I copied these pictures from the Facebook:


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作者: 邮刊迷    时间: 2015-8-14 18:19

本帖最后由 邮刊迷 于 2015-8-14 18:20 编辑

回复 7# williamzhang

作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-15 10:21

回复 8# 邮刊迷
好羡慕你能参观这么盛大的邮展, 并能和陆先生, 关先生一起讨论邮事。  希望明年5月底你们能来美国参观世界邮展。
作者: 邮刊迷    时间: 2015-8-15 10:49

回复 9# williamzhang

作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-16 04:04

回复 10# 邮刊迷
我在网站上搜索有关新加坡世界邮展的情况, 无意中看到一篇英文文章, 是关于去新加坡旅游必须注意的15件事。 这文章很长, 我把它的15点抄下来供大家参考: ... to-do-in-singapore/

15 Things NOT to Do in Singapore

1. Don’t Chew Gum – Unless you Have Prescription
2. Don’t Forget to Flush
3. Don’t Walk Around Naked or Look at Porn, Even in Private
4. Don’t Litter
5. Don’t Show Your Feet
6. Don’t Bring Up Religion or Politics
7. Don’t Take Taxis
8. Don’t Snack on the MRT
9. Don’t Connect to Unsecured WiFi
10. Don’t Tip
11. Don’t Give Gifts Without a Little Research
12. Don’t Smoke in Public
13. Don’t Do Graffiti
14. Don’t Do Drugs – Even Before You Arrive
15. Don’t Finger Point

希望那位新加坡邮友能证实一下这15点外人到新加坡的确是要注意, 入乡随俗,尽量不做。 谢谢。
作者: 莆田邮俊    时间: 2015-8-16 08:03

Please see the pictures about the World Stamp Show in Singapore.  I copied these pictures from the ...
williamzhang 发表于 2015-8-14 17:48

I will receive two anniversary covers from Singpore world stamps show
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-21 08:57

I will receive two anniversary covers from Singpore world stamps show
莆田邮俊 发表于 2015-8-16 08:03

Have you received the two covers from the show?, if yes, could you post them here? Thanks.
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-21 09:07

回复 12# 莆田邮俊
明年的世界邮展将在美国纽约市举行, 今天我已看到美国邮局发行的为2016世界邮展而发行的邮票在出售了, 我想问你那邮票上有英文字 FOREVER


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作者: 莆田邮俊    时间: 2015-8-21 09:26

Have you received the two covers from the show?, if yes, could you post them here? Thanks.
williamzhang 发表于 2015-8-21 08:57

   yes,i can ,about a month i will receive them
作者: 莆田邮俊    时间: 2015-8-21 09:28

回复  莆田邮俊
明年的世界邮展将在美国纽约市举行, 今天我已看到美国邮局发行的为2016世界邮展而发行的 ...
williamzhang 发表于 2015-8-21 09:07

作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-21 10:11

回复 16# 莆田邮俊
很好,但才答对一半, 为何“永远”这个字要印在这邮票上呢?
作者: 莆田邮俊    时间: 2015-8-21 11:42

回复  莆田邮俊
很好,但才答对一半, 为何“永远”这个字要印在这邮票上呢?
williamzhang 发表于 2015-8-21 10:11

作者: dowager1894    时间: 2015-8-21 11:45

回复  邮刊迷
我在网站上搜索有关新加坡世界邮展的情况, 无意中看到一篇英文文章, 是关于去新加坡旅游必 ...
williamzhang 发表于 2015-8-16 04:04

   I can understand what does it mean "don't take taxis in Singapore"as I took taxis during my stay in Singapore stamp expo.  The taxi drivers are polite and friendly and will not overcharge nor take longer routes. However, the fares are confusing ! 1) the flag down price are different between taxi companies eg. it is SIN$3.20 for blue and yellow taxis and $3.70 for silver cab. 2) there is a surcharge during peak hours or at night.   During non peak hours, it costs 5.40 from my hotel to Sands Convention Centre and close to $10 at peak hours. Before i am aware of the surcharge fares, when i landed in the airport and took a taxi to hotel,  the meter was $27 and i paid with a hundred dollar bill.  The driver gave me a number of notes for changes. i was in a hurry and didn't count. Later on, I found the change was $64  which meant the driver charged me $36 which i thought i was cheated by $9 until i found it was a surcharge !!
I understand the different taxi tariff system also applied in USA. Am I correct, William ?
作者: 邮刊迷    时间: 2015-8-21 14:14

回复 19# dowager1894

作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-21 19:35

回复 18# 莆田邮俊

很好, 有好学精神, 老张乐意为你在网上找答案(英文):

Forever Stamps were created by the United States Postal Service® (USPS®) in 2007. They can be used to mail First Class letters (Regular Mail) no matter what the postal rate.
It's not that hard to understand. You can buy the Forever stamps at the current rate of First Class postage, which is now 49 cents each. The Post Office is likely to increase postage again in, say, about 2 years from now, to maybe 53 cents each, to cover rising operational costs. If you still have some Forever stamps that you bought at 49 cents each, they will still be good for First Class postage, no matter what the new rate is, even if it jumped to 60 or 80 cents.

If you don't do a lot of mailing, I would say don't worry about it. If you have tons of pen pals or something, it might make a difference to you.
作者: 邮刊迷    时间: 2015-8-21 20:17

回复 21# williamzhang

新加坡邮政局发行邮票时,往往有一枚没有注上票值的,只注明1st Local 就属于此种类的邮票,即新加坡境内平邮一单位适用,如果保存下来,将来境内起重平邮涨价多少,都可以继续贴用,换言之只要长期保留作寄信之用的此种邮票,将来只有涨值,绝不会贬值。
作者: 莆田邮俊    时间: 2015-8-21 21:32

回复  莆田邮俊

很好, 有好学精神, 老张乐意为你在网上找答案(英文): ...
williamzhang 发表于 2015-8-21 19:35

作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-22 07:30

回复 23# 莆田邮俊

美国邮政局属于国家管理, 多年来都是亏损单位, 邮资不断提高仍然解决不了问题。 有人想出一个点子来刺激人们买邮票, 就是发行一种没有面值的邮票, 买了这种邮票, 不管邮资涨多少, 这种邮票你永远(FOREVER) 都可以当为普通信件贴用,不会过期或贬值,比如说今天普通信件(First Class Mail)是49美分, 你买了100张这样邮票没用完,5年后邮资从49美分涨到60美分, 你49美分买的邮票可以当为60美分来贴用;10年后邮资涨到75美分话, 你手上剩下的邮票仍然可以当为75美分来贴用, 这就是FOREVER 意思。

我个人不会去买这样邮票来寄信, 因为我在邮市上可以从邮商那儿买到按面值70%-80%售价邮资邮票, 许多还是很漂亮的。
不知如果中国邮局也采用这种办法发行FOREVER 邮票话, 会引起人们感兴趣去买吗?
作者: 莆田邮俊    时间: 2015-8-22 08:21

回复  莆田邮俊

美国邮政局属于国家管理, 多年来都是亏损单位, 邮资不断提高仍然解决不了问题。 有人 ...
williamzhang 发表于 2015-8-22 07:30

作者: 莆田邮俊    时间: 2015-8-22 08:21

回复  莆田邮俊

美国邮政局属于国家管理, 多年来都是亏损单位, 邮资不断提高仍然解决不了问题。 有人 ...
williamzhang 发表于 2015-8-22 07:30

作者: dowager1894    时间: 2015-8-22 09:59

回复  williamzhang

新加坡邮政局发行邮票时,往往有一枚没有注上票值的,只注明1st Local 就属于此种类 ...
邮刊迷 发表于 2015-8-21 20:17

I have to send my apology to Singapore Post as I purchased a set of Singapore stamps at the stamp expo and I saw 1st and 2nd on the stamp which I though it was 1st class and 2nd class airmail and i used it to send letter to China. If my friends received it with due, it is purely my fault !
作者: 邮刊迷    时间: 2015-8-22 10:42

回复 27# dowager1894

对了, 1st 是国内平邮起重邮资,2nd 是超重过一单位至二单位的国内平信邮资。
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-22 12:20

回复 27# dowager1894
A letter cover with the due stamps or a due postmark would be more valuable, right?
I would like it should I receive one from you.
作者: 邮刊迷    时间: 2015-8-22 13:09

回复 29# williamzhang

作者: dowager1894    时间: 2015-8-22 14:43

回复 27# dowager1894

剛收到的新加坡郵展特別奬, 水晶帆船,由塞浦路斯郵學會捐出。



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作者: dowager1894    时间: 2015-8-22 14:56

回复  dowager1894

对了, 1st 是国内平邮起重邮资,2nd 是超重过一单位至二单位的国内平信邮资。
邮刊迷 发表于 2015-8-22 10:42

我知道寄國外郵資是70分。 請問
1st  国内平邮起重邮资,2nd 超重过一单位至二单位的国内平信邮资是多少錢 ?

作者: liuyuan    时间: 2015-8-25 22:23

回复  dowager1894

剛收到的新加坡郵展特別奬, 水晶帆船,由塞浦路斯郵學會捐出。

dowager1894 发表于 2015-8-22 14:43

作者: 莆田邮俊    时间: 2015-8-29 14:42

回复  dowager1894

剛收到的新加坡郵展特別奬, 水晶帆船,由塞浦路斯郵學會捐出。

dowager1894 发表于 2015-8-22 14:43

作者: 莆田邮俊    时间: 2015-8-29 14:43

回复  williamzhang

恐难圆您愿了,新加坡很久就不设置欠资邮票,目前不知如何处理欠资邮件,恐多数就这 ...
邮刊迷 发表于 2015-8-22 13:09

图片附件: psb.jpg (2015-8-29 14:43, 82.96 KB) / 下载次数 38

作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-29 18:25

回复 32# dowager1894
Congratulations! How many times have you won the prize for your attending the stamp exhibitions?

作者: williamzhang    时间: 2015-8-30 07:38

回复 35# 莆田邮俊
Thanks for showing us the nice cover you got for the World Stamp Show in Singapore.  Next year the World Stamp Show will be
in New York City.  I will visit the show and will send you the similar cover.
作者: 莆田邮俊    时间: 2015-8-30 08:40

回复  莆田邮俊
Thanks for showing us the nice cover you got for the World Stamp Show in Singapore. ...
williamzhang 发表于 2015-8-30 07:38

   it sounds good~thank you very much
作者: dowager1894    时间: 2015-8-30 11:27

回复  dowager1894
Congratulations! How many times have you won the prize for your attending the st ...
williamzhang 发表于 2015-8-29 18:25

I can't remember how many medals I have won so far. I took part in stamp exhibition since 1996 and the most rewarding were Hong Kong 2009 and Taipei 2015 which I took home a large gold medal plus special prize. l have applied for NY2016 and am look forward to seeing you in the States.
作者: 莆田邮俊    时间: 2015-9-2 12:48

psb (8).jpg

图片附件: psb (8).jpg (2015-9-2 12:47, 76.88 KB) / 下载次数 53

作者: 奇异居士    时间: 2016-2-26 11:57

回复 5# williamzhang

    William, You collect Foochow Kuliang covers! Arc type??
I collect Fukien Arc type many years ago but the material is so hard to get and I finally gave up!
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-2-26 21:04

回复 41# 奇异居士
"William, You collect Foochow Kuliang covers! Arc type??"
I collect Fukien Arc type many years ago but the material is so hard to get and I finally gave up!

I do collect Kuliang and other Foochow covers and postcards as Foochow is my hometown.
I find to collect covers and postcards are more interesting than to collect stamps.
However, it needs more time and patience to look for the covers and postcards that you like.
Patience is the mother of success.

Sorry, I don't know what do you mean "Arc type".
Thanks for asking.
作者: 阮秀佑    时间: 2016-2-26 21:33

"Arc type"就是拱型戳。
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-2-26 21:43

回复 43# 阮秀佑
Thanks for your speedy response.
It is never too old to learn
作者: 奇异居士    时间: 2016-2-27 23:39

"Arc type"就是拱型戳。
阮秀佑 发表于 2016-2-26 21:33


回复  奇异居士
However, it needs more time and patience to look for the covers and postcards that you like.
Patience is the mother of success.
williamzhang 发表于 2016-2-26 21:04

Right William, we all need more time to find the covers that we like and I have spend many decade doing just that without success!!
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-4-3 19:40

回复 21# williamzhang
The global philatelic event - World Stamp Show NY2016 is coming in less two months.  You can get some information to open the following link:

Yesterday I just got an envelope of the world stamps show from a dealer here.


图片附件: scan0001.jpg (2016-4-3 19:39, 106.8 KB) / 下载次数 57

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-4-28 15:04

回复  williamzhang

    William, You collect Foochow Kuliang covers! Arc type??
I collect Fuki ...
奇异居士 发表于 2016-2-26 11:57

The Arc type cancellation on the cover is not extreme rare. I saw 10+ covers in one auction. But they are so hot, the hammer price is 100 times of the estimation. After the auction, we called that dealer who wrote the description/estimate price as "one percent guy"
拱形戳销票的封不是那么罕见,在拍卖会上时常会见到。有一次拍卖会上我见到10多枚封带此种销票戳。老外不懂,估价很低。但是现场和电话委托竞争激烈。我出到1万2美金败下阵来,最后成交价是估价的一百倍 (华邮网内大佬买了)。拍卖会后我们都戏称写拍卖目录的那位邮商为“百分之一先生”。
作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-4-28 15:10


作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-4-29 06:37

回复 48# 假师爷
师爷, 我争取在5/28到纽约, 因忙第二天必须返波士顿。

纽约中国街附近有不少酒店, 我不大熟悉, 因为我去纽约大都住我侄儿家。
你可以打开下面链接查看, 大都靠近地铁站: ... york+city+chinatown ... chinatown-new-york/
作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-4-29 08:39

回复 49# williamzhang

作者: dowager1894    时间: 2016-4-30 10:18

回复 48# 假师爷
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-5-2 06:38

回复 51# dowager1894
关先生, 纽约世界邮展还没开始,我在网站上搜索竟发现10年后, 也就是2026年, 世界邮展将在美国波士顿举行的广告。
这次你无法成行, 老张有点失望, 但愿2026年的邮展你跟你的夫人能来波士顿。  到时老张一定请你们吃龙暇。龙虾除了清蒸还有三种吃法:
龙虾沙拉, 薑葱龙虾和蒜茸龙虾, 不知关先生喜欢哪种呢?

Boston 2026 News   
Welcome to the official website of Boston 2026 World Stamp Show. The goal of this website is to provide a central place to share information on the preparations for Boston 2026.


On February 12, 2015 the Board of Directors of the American Philatelic Society voted unanimously to award the 2026 international philatelic exhibtion for the United States to the Boston 2026 Bid Committee (proposal here). On March 30, 2015 Boston 2026 World Stamp Show, Inc. was incorporated in the state of Massachusetts. Also on March 30 Boston 2026 signed contracts with the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority and the owners of the Westin Boston Waterfront for the Boston Convention and Exposition Center (BCEC) and the attached Westin Hotel, respectively.

As of August 10, 2015 the IRS has designated Boston 2026 a 501(c)(3) public charity.
As of April 2, 2016 Boston 2026 has a new logo.
Initial Boston 2026 Press Release issued April 25, 2016 is here.

Boston 2026 at New York 2016

Boston 2026 will hold two events at the New York 2016 World Stamp Show. The first event will be a Boston 2026 business meeting (closed to the public) on Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 2PM in room 1E18 at the Javits Center. The second event will be a Boston 2026 General Information Kickoff meeting (open to the public) on Saturday, June 4 at 1PM on the last day of the show in room 1E07 at the Javits Center. Make your plans now to attend New York 2016 World Stamp Show!

Questions/comments can be sent to Nancy Clark (President(at) Additional information to follow on this website.

图片附件: Boston2026ColorLogo.png (2016-5-2 06:37, 113.09 KB) / 下载次数 66

作者: dowager1894    时间: 2016-5-2 18:37

回复 52# williamzhang

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-5-4 11:29

回复 53# dowager1894

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-5-4 11:30

回复 52# williamzhang

作者: dowager1894    时间: 2016-5-4 16:46

回复 54# 假师爷
不知ROBERT 會不會參加10月的台北世展﹖ 若參加我們將會見面的。我在去年台灣亞展和新加坡世展俱見到 JIM, 唯獨不見先生, 希望10月不會緣慳一面。
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-5-15 02:20

回复 56# dowager1894
I checked the following Canadian website and discovered some information about the stamp show: ... g-world-stamp-show/

Thousands of exhibit frames at upcoming World Stamp Show
World Stamp Show NY2016 is slated to take place this May 28-June 4 in New York City.

It will be the largest international philatelic exhibition held in the U.S. since Washington, D.C. hosted the 2006 World Philatelic Exhibition, which included 640 exhibits from 60 countries around the world.

At this year’s World Stamp Show NY2016, held May 28-June 4 in New York City, the competitive exhibits will span virtually all subjects with 700 exhibits across 4,125 frames. There will also be about 500 frames of non-competitive exhibits and a court of honour displaying some of philately’s greatest rarities, including the unique 1856 one-cent Magenta of British Guiana.

The exhibition takes place on the third floor of Manhattan’s Javits Convention Center. On May 28 – opening day – the exhibit floor will be open from 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. For the remainder of the week it will open at 10 a.m. and close at 6 p.m.


A complete listing of competitive philatelic and literature exhibits are now posted here on the World Stamp Show website.

The show’s Exhibits Selection Committee received applications for more frames than were initially available, so the initial limit of 3,800 competitive frames was increased to meet some of the demand.

World Stamp Show Commissioner General Stephen Schumann and Judges and Judging Chair Stephen Reinhard said: “These are the finest selections of competitive exhibits to be shown at a World Philatelic Exhibition in many years. The selection process was very difficult, considering we had over 6,500 frames applied for and we could only accommodate 4,125.”

George Pepall, president of The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, agreed the show’s scale and scope is unmatched.

“The number of dealers will be in the several hundreds, and the number of superb exhibits will … give attendees the opportunity to see virtually anything that anybody specializes in,” said Pepall. “There’s a good chance a person’s specialty will be there as part of a world-class exhibit.”

Out of a total of 700 competitive exhibits, postal history leads the way with 204 exhibits (or nearly 30 per cent of all exhibits). This is followed by 159 traditional exhibits; 82 single-frame exhibits; 61 thematic exhibits; and 52 youth exhibits.

Dr. Sam Chiu, of Toronto, Ont., is one of 23 Canadian exhibitors. His five-frame exhibit is titled ‘Chefoo Local Post, China, 1893-96’.

Also online is a list of 175 literature entries. Organizers said these applications also exceeded initial estimates. The literature entries include three classes: (a) philatelic books and research papers with 103 entries; (a) philatelic magazines and periodicals with 38 entries; and (c) catalogues with 34 entries.


There will be 23 exhibits entered by Canadian philatelists at the upcoming World Stamp Show.

图片附件: WSS.jpg (2016-5-15 02:18, 42.67 KB) / 下载次数 63

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-5-28 09:05

作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-5-28 11:05

回复 58# 假师爷
师爷, 我们做每件事若要想做好就需要有经验,如果没经验话最好是先看书或请教别人。  参观邮展如果想有好效果话也需要经验。  我从来没有参加过大型的世界邮展, 幸好你通过微信打电话给我,回答了我几个有关参观邮展的问题。 今天·我在网站上看到一位英国女士写的关于她第一次在1980年参观伦敦世界邮展的经验, 我觉得这些经验有意义, 所以把它张贴·在下面, 供大家参考:
这篇文章原来是刊登在美国林氏邮票周刊上的(Lynn‘s Stamp) ... -show-preview0.html

World Stamps
London 1980: my first international stamp show

By Janet Klug

Stamps will take you places. It is undeniable. Even if your journey is taken while sitting in your favorite chair and placing stamps from faraway countries into your albums. That counts as “going places.” If you get up out of your armchair and attend a stamp show, that too constitutes “going places.”

In 1980, my stamp hobby took me and my noncollector husband to London to attend our first international stamp show. It required a long-range plan, the hospitality of dear friends, and a comfortable aircraft. (Ah, those were the good old days!) Our friends took us sightseeing and escorted us to Earl’s Court, where the London 1980 International Stamp Exhibition was held.

I remember going through the doors, paying for the admission and then being selected to go through a security line because I had a handbag and a box of cacheted envelopes that would end up with stamps and postmarks for my stamp collecting buddies back home. I was surprised at having to go through security, but the penny dropped later in the day when Queen Elizabeth II arrived to review her Royal Exhibit that was on display. That sure gave me something to crow about! You never know who you might see at a stamp show.

I remember visiting the Royal Mail kiosk where I bought stamps to affix to my thoroughly inspected covers, and then I deposited them into a special letter box so they would get the show postmark. The covers beat me home.

Time was spent visiting stamp dealers whose ads I remembered seeing in Linn’s Stamp News. Did I buy anything? Probably, but I don’t remember what. There were what seemed to be miles of frames containing the most fabulous exhibits. It was overwhelming, and we only had one day to take it all in. There were other things we wanted to see in London.

I learned a lot about international stamp shows during my premier visit to one. The most obvious lesson was that one day was not nearly enough. It takes about that much time to find your bearings within very large and crowded facilities. It is likely that visitors will have to stand in line to see the magnificent stamps in the court of honor and, in London, the Royal Exhibit. The most popular dealers also had long lines, and I remember standing in line to buy current Great Britain stamps at the Royal Mail kiosk.

My first visit to an international stamp show was certainly memorable. I’ve attended many more since 1980, but each time I go to one of these I come away with more ideas to make my visits more fun and more productive. Here are my tips:

1. You need at least three days at the show or longer if you can.

2. Wear comfortable shoes.

3. Plan ahead for what you want to see and do, especially if you hope to attend some meetings and seminars that often get forgotten if you are busy making purchases.

4. Your schedule can eat up all your time, including the time you use to eat. Pack a few granola bars in your backpack just in case.

5. Don’t expect to read every page of every exhibit. Pick the ones that interest you most. If there is extra time, you can always go back to look at more exhibits.

6. Bring a want list (and money) if you plan on finding new items for your collection.

7. Find old friends and make some new ones. Just chatting with someone sitting next to you at a dealer’s booth can be very pleasant.

8. Make good memories, and remember: This is fun!
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-5-31 22:39

本帖最后由 williamzhang 于 2016-6-1 22:00 编辑

回复 59# williamzhang
If you want to get some information about 2016 World Stamp Show you can open the following link (中文): ... 8traditional%29.pdf


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作者: dowager1894    时间: 2016-6-6 21:26

回复  williamzhang
If you want to get some information about 2016 World Stamp Show you can open th ...
williamzhang 发表于 2016-5-31 22:39

Hi William,
Any update on the NY2016, its results
作者: TC    时间: 2016-6-7 11:04


图片附件: 2016紐約世展封p.jpg (2016-6-7 11:03, 128.86 KB) / 下载次数 45

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:02

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:07


图片附件: 邮展-1.jpg (2016-6-10 16:03, 111.41 KB) / 下载次数 38

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:13

本帖最后由 假师爷 于 2016-6-10 16:20 编辑



图片附件: 邮展-2-中国展台.jpg (2016-6-10 16:08, 67.47 KB) / 下载次数 47

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:20



图片附件: 邮展-4-澳门展台.jpg (2016-6-10 16:15, 74.57 KB) / 下载次数 33

图片附件: 邮展-5-台北展台.jpg (2016-6-10 16:15, 68.55 KB) / 下载次数 53

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:21


图片附件: 邮展-3.jpg (2016-6-10 16:20, 55.2 KB) / 下载次数 48

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:24

28日中午召开CSS (China Stamp Society)会员大会, 会长Maxwell讲话。

图片附件: 邮展-6-CSS会员大会.jpg (2016-6-10 16:22, 54.6 KB) / 下载次数 37

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:26


图片附件: 邮展-7-CSS会员合影.jpg (2016-6-10 16:24, 79.47 KB) / 下载次数 44

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:29


图片附件: 邮展-8-坐地铁去法拉盛.jpg (2016-6-10 16:27, 84.09 KB) / 下载次数 35

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:39




图片附件: 邮展-9-晚餐1.jpg (2016-6-10 16:29, 80.4 KB) / 下载次数 36

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图片附件: 邮展-11-晚餐3.jpg (2016-6-10 16:30, 70.65 KB) / 下载次数 51

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:43


图片附件: 邮展-12-纽约时代广场.jpg (2016-6-10 16:39, 37.8 KB) / 下载次数 34

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:44


图片附件: 邮展-13-纽约街头-1.jpg (2016-6-10 16:44, 72.37 KB) / 下载次数 36

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:48


图片附件: 邮展-14-飞机.jpg (2016-6-10 16:45, 71.96 KB) / 下载次数 42

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:51


图片附件: 邮展-15-邮商.jpg (2016-6-10 16:49, 71.82 KB) / 下载次数 47

作者: 邮刊迷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:54

回复 69# 假师爷

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 16:59



图片附件: 邮展-16-唐人街.jpg (2016-6-10 16:51, 93.41 KB) / 下载次数 41

图片附件: 邮展-17-中华公所.jpg (2016-6-10 16:52, 78.98 KB) / 下载次数 39

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 17:02


图片附件: 邮展-18-邮寄目录.jpg (2016-6-10 17:00, 86.21 KB) / 下载次数 52

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 17:05


图片附件: 邮展-19-乔治.jpg (2016-6-10 17:03, 101.46 KB) / 下载次数 58

图片附件: 邮展-20-会长介绍邮集.jpg (2016-6-10 17:03, 62.84 KB) / 下载次数 58

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 17:08


图片附件: 邮展-21-邮票设计家签名.jpg (2016-6-10 17:06, 51.33 KB) / 下载次数 49

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 17:15


图片附件: 邮展-22-中国荣誉类展框.jpg (2016-6-10 17:10, 65.05 KB) / 下载次数 51

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 17:18

本帖最后由 假师爷 于 2016-6-11 00:53 编辑


图片附件: 邮展-23-世界珍邮.jpg (2016-6-10 17:16, 80.38 KB) / 下载次数 53

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 17:21


图片附件: 邮展-24-世界珍邮-2.jpg (2016-6-10 17:19, 63.89 KB) / 下载次数 49

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 17:22


图片附件: 邮展-25-中国珍邮.jpg (2016-6-10 17:21, 48.88 KB) / 下载次数 53

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 17:24

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 17:27


图片附件: 获奖名单.jpg (2016-6-10 17:26, 84.99 KB) / 下载次数 63

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 17:29

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-10 17:36

回复 76# 邮刊迷

作者: dowager1894    时间: 2016-6-10 17:57

回复  假师爷

不汄识,只识后排最左青色上衣的陆游先生,近20多年间在新加坡国际大邮展会场内共见过三次面 ...
邮刊迷 发表于 2016-6-10 16:54

我也不全識,只認得 ;-鏡頭前順時針方向、張蘭青、趙岳、跟著一男、三女仕不認識,陸游(第8)之右是紀覺英(第7)、左2是王劍智(第10),第12 位是 William Zhang, 第13位是Robert Jia.
作者: dowager1894    时间: 2016-6-10 18:16

假师爷 发表于 2016-6-10 16:48

作者: 114jyx    时间: 2016-6-10 20:27

回复 82# 假师爷

   老兄这个背景是圭亚那洋红色1分帆船票 可不是瑞典错色
作者: 姜劍    时间: 2016-6-10 21:04

作者: 假师爷    时间: 2016-6-11 00:53

回复  假师爷

   老兄这个背景是圭亚那洋红色1分帆船票 可不是瑞典错色
114jyx 发表于 2016-6-10 20:27

是的,这是圭亚那洋红色1分帆船票。 我文中提到:“世界珍邮。邮展中另有一枚瑞典错色邮票有专人看护,不许拍照。”,所以那枚错色票没有照片。


作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-6-11 10:09

回复 91# 114jyx
小江, 你是哪天到纽约的? 很遗憾没遇到你。
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-6-11 10:20

回复 93# 假师爷

师爷, 很感谢你张贴这么好的有关这次纽约世界邮展的相片和信息在这帖子, 希望在这帖子能看到更多将来世界各地举行的大型邮展报道和相片。
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-6-11 10:27

Hi William,
Any update on the NY2016, its results
dowager1894 发表于 2016-6-6 21:26

Hi Tony,

One thing for sure, if you attend 2016 World Stamp Show in NY City with your exhibit, I think your name will be at the top on the award list .
作者: dowager1894    时间: 2016-6-11 13:42

Hi Tony,

One thing for sure, if you attend 2016 World Stamp Show in NY City with your exhibi ...
williamzhang 发表于 2016-6-11 10:27

I can't say that as there are many excellent exhibits including Messrs. William Kwan and Francis Au who scored LG (95 points) and G (93 points) respectively.
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-6-14 20:44

回复 97# dowager1894
关先生, 我在5月28日纽约世界邮展上寄给你的纪念封你在6月7日就收到了,同一天我也给上海等国内几位邮友寄了, 但到今天已两周三天还没收到, 为何寄国内的航空邮件会这么慢呢?按理说纽约飞上海的航班不会少过飞香港的呀

顺便请教你, 清代寄美国的信件最快多少天会到美国的西岸?那时的邮路是否只走太平洋,经日本中转?有无经过夏威夷中转的?
作者: williamzhang    时间: 2016-6-17 07:01

回复 87# 假师爷

师爷,这次参观纽约世界邮展,我发现一个好现象,有不少年輕人和女士也来看邮展,还有摆摊的也有不少是世界各地来的女士,这种情况我以前在别处邮展还没見过。现我张贴两张我和两位女士在邮展上拍的相片. 她俩一位是来自纽约邮局,另外一位是来自上海赵涌公司的陈经理。她俩都有一个共同点,不仅有气质,并对顾客既热情又和藹可親,均给人们畄下很好印象. 我不禁想起二年前你回国在上海逛邮市遇到女摊主冷漠对待你,给你畄下很不好印象. 不知这一次你在这么大型邮展上所遇到的摊主是否都是很热情的?


图片附件: IMG_0635.JPG (2016-6-17 07:01, 130.96 KB) / 下载次数 58

图片附件: IMG_0636.JPG (2016-6-17 07:01, 102.87 KB) / 下载次数 51

作者: dowager1894    时间: 2016-6-23 21:20

回复 98# williamzhang
當今美國寄航空仩,7 至10天可達。清代未有飛機,只靠郵輪運送郵件,郵輪横渡太平洋至西岸的西雅圖、温哥華或維多利亞,再經陸運或火車至東岸的紐約,全程約42-45天。

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