The rioting reported In the North of the 'Canton province earl|y in August, was more serious than was at first anticipated, the Berlin Mission station, at Luk Hang being pillaged and burned. The rioters came from all the villages around Luk 'Hang on the 33th August without warn- ing, and an atti* ípt to beat them off proved unavailing. After looting, they deliberately set fire to all the missionary buildings rnd burnt them to the ground. The acting Viceroy had promised to severely punish the men concerned In the plundering, but no action had been taken. The Mandarins are either unable or unwilling to protect the Christians or mission property.作者: 爱邮客 时间: 2012-9-21 15:17
可又有报纸说LUKHANG在广东南部作者: 爱邮客 时间: 2012-9-21 15:41
Reichsbote (Hauptverein für die evangelische Mission in China zu Berlin, ... 南
雄(1893); Shijiao [Shekkok]石角, Hua Xian 花縣(1902); Lukeng [Lukhang]鹿抗, ...作者: 爱邮客 时间: 2012-9-21 15:44