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标题: 假加盖,可惜了一枚好票! [打印本页]

作者: 小卢    时间: 2013-1-5 12:32     标题: 假加盖,可惜了一枚好票!

复件 78973024A.jpg 复件 78973024B.jpg


票面上销戳应是“山东龙泉民国三十六年一月”, 对比目录上此票加盖改值时间(1948年6月)提早了一年多!再看1947年1月(民国36年)邮资800元是不可能的,山东解放区邮资表1947年(民国36年)8月1日双挂号的邮资才25元,何来800元的邮资。

复件 邮票044.jpg

图片附件: 复件 78973024A.jpg (2013-1-5 12:22, 61.26 KB) / 下载次数 29

图片附件: 复件 78973024B.jpg (2013-1-5 12:22, 43.85 KB) / 下载次数 21

图片附件: 复件 邮票044.jpg (2013-1-5 12:29, 231.3 KB) / 下载次数 29

作者: 麦国培    时间: 2013-1-5 12:53

作者: 小卢    时间: 2013-1-5 15:13

麦国培 发表于 2013-1-5 12:53



图片附件: 2222.jpg (2013-1-5 15:11, 9.31 KB) / 下载次数 23

作者: 麦国培    时间: 2013-1-5 15:20

作者: Hsinyen    时间: 2013-1-6 06:25

Good article, thank you.  Nice block of 4!

If you take a closer view (without comparing other criteria) you will notice the fake overprint was made with a water based black color and not with the oily based black color which leave a yellow fatty impression around the overprint.

I add this comment because someone might be saying the overprint is genuine but the cancel is wrong

作者: 小卢    时间: 2013-1-6 08:20

Good article, thank you.  Nice block of 4!

If you take a closer view (without comparing other  ...
Hsinyen 发表于 2013-1-6 06:25

Thank you for your support. The area of Mr. ticket deep I admire! Can see the back of the oil based black is because the paper is very thin, it becomes a means of identification. I have used this method of identification, but the premise is to the tissue paper! Please look at my blog article:

作者: Hsinyen    时间: 2013-1-6 09:04

Very interesting blog (an nice music)! Thank you for sharing. I will read it now

About your comparsion of the stamp with the damanged "暫" please take a look on this block of six. The overprint was obviously made through a chop of two (or four).

作者: 小卢    时间: 2013-1-6 10:06

本帖最后由 小卢 于 2013-1-6 10:09 编辑
Very interesting blog (an nice music)! Thank you for sharing. I will read it now

About ...
Hsinyen 发表于 2013-1-6 09:04

Good six parties even, I very love! From the figure, I think 2 is a group of more likely to die a little! The following is my collection of a group of stamp, please enjoy!


图片附件: 参展邮集贴片054.jpg (2013-1-6 10:05, 384.45 KB) / 下载次数 21

作者: Hsinyen    时间: 2013-1-7 06:59

Thank you for sharing!

I like to see you have the stamps real used, often more hard to get as mint!

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