A.W.Gilbert 烟台美领馆任职, 1907年亲笔贺年实寄片。
经查, 此人精通中文, 有翻译文章刊于1910年5月23日的“纽约时报”——"中国人种植美国棉花”
文章标题:“CHINESE GROW COTTON.; May Do for Us In Cotton What Argentina Has Done in Wheat.”
A.W. Gilbert of the Chefoo Consulate has translated an announcement in China which says that the delegate from Chins-Pinghsien in Tungchangfu to the Shantung provincial assembly has submitted to Gov. Sun Pao-chi a comprehensive memorial concerning the cotton industry in his district...... www.query.nytimes.com/gst/abstra ... 0C2A9639C946196D6CF