本帖最后由 weng 于 2020-5-17 22:22 编辑
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您百度查到关于陈志川的说法,我在《刘肇宁集邮文选》中看到过,刘先生在1993、1994年 ...
bluesky8888 发表于 2020-5-17 21:00 
朱先生, 您好!谢谢您的热心帮助。 我80年代末在丹麦工作的时候, 参加了哥本哈根当地的一个集邮俱乐部。 当年有一位老集邮家告诉我,丹麦集华邮最强大的是一位1900左右在上海做外国人集邮俱乐部Chairman的(名字记不住了)。当时他做的的贡献是发现了红印花有绿色油墨加盖的。
当时我只是初学者, 完全没有留意这件事情的意义。 90年代回国后请教了赵人龙先生, 赵先生告诉我这是著名的“绿衣红娘”。90年代中期再次回到到丹麦时, 才知道包括绿衣红娘在内的邮集早已经被皇家图书馆/国家博物馆收藏了, 所以没有看到。
对这件事情, 我一直是半信半疑, 又因为是及高端的东西,完全不懂,没有重视。 最近在微信群江南一剑的贴子里出题目考大家有关上海最早的集邮人/俱乐部等等问题, 我才想起来这件事情。由于记不住那位丹麦集邮家的名字(至于HANSEN, 只是我根据下文中的信息所作的猜测), 按照绿衣红娘的故事在百度上搜了一下, 才发现国内的共识是绿衣红娘是中国人在1942年发现的。
此事一晃20多年(近30年),当年集邮俱乐部的老先生也已经仙游。我再努力一下去和过去的邮友联系,但当时没有Email, 20-30年了, 也不知地址是否有变化。
以下是转发微信群中江南一剑的贴子, 值得一读 (未经作者授权, 如有侵权, 请联系删帖):
The earliest stamps collectors in China were R B Baker, H P Hansen, A Michie and J P Tate, all based in Shanghai, as recorded by The International Stamp Directory, published by Richey, Bell & Co in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1877. Incidentally, under stamp dealer it listed Kelly & Co of Shanghai, and Lane, Crawfurd & Co of Hong Kong, now a posh department store, probably the earliest stamp dealers in Shanghai and Hong Kong respectively.
The earliest stamp buying-and-selling advertisement in Chinese newspaper appeared on 9 May 1877, followed by stamp auction advertisement by L Moore & Co on 20 February 1890. Both advertisers were expat trading houses of Shanghai.
The earliest Chinese stamp dealer was probably Lee Fai-Tong (1869-1943), a Cantonese resided in Shanghai, who claimed to start his stamp business since 1889.
Shanghai Philatelic Society, founded on 18 December 1912 among expatriates, was the first philatelic society in China. Within one year, the membership had grown to 30, and by 1935, to 150. The founding president was an Englishman F. Large, owner of Fred Large & Co. He came to Shanghai in 1900 and died there in November 1937.
The first philatelic journal in China was Stamp Topics, published monthly since April 1920. It became ‘the official organ of the Shanghai Philatelic Society’ since November 1920.
The first philatelic society of Chinese philatelists in China, Shenzhou Youpiao Yanjiuhui, approximate to Cathay Philatelic Society, was founded in Shanghai, in the July-August 1922. Their journal published in January 1923 became the first philatelic journal published in Chinese language. Sadly, no other issue of the journal was subsequently published.
The above information was provided by Mr Xiu Jinde of Shanghai, who published several articles on these subjects in Chinese journals in recent years. |