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Forgeries on eBay

本帖最后由 Hsinyen 于 2013-1-8 03:05 编辑

Please let us publish in this thread about forgeries in eBay to warn each other.

This overprint is a (really bad) fake, guess is not to hard to see for everbody (seller: gandalf_1952, eBay item ID: 4003825012
Link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayI ... p;item=400382501223

Someone try to make a forgery and noticed … shit happens nobody will believe this is a genuine stamp. Suddenly an idea comes into his mind: "Yeah I will just call it PROOF (or UNFINISHED PLATE PROOF )! Bingo, problem solved!" Can we call such a bogus stamp "forgery" because it never existing as real stamp? I don’t know, but anyhow, this worthless fake of a stamp is actually offered at this auction.

This forgeries are printed on a very different and (of course) unwatermarked paper in a very rough drawing which differs strong from genuine stamps. On the top comes different colors and the missing inscription in top panel. Really rubbish, no other words for this counterfeits.

Sheets of them were sold for few Dollars some years ago ... I was counting the time when they come back into market.

Bogus sheets:

Seller: cretko, eBay item ID: 140711160811

Link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Liberate ... 50088-/140711160811


Yes, this "sheets" with the imperforated stamps were also sold! Sorry, I didn't know that you already publish this forgeries. Just want to show what is offered on eBay.

As usual you show very nice stamps, please enjoy a genuine sheets which as a bit strong misprint. I noticed all(?) this misprint sheets have a hand written number (1 or 3) in a circle in a corner (here right top in blue). Anybody know what they are for?


I'm located in Germany (Frankfurt). Usually I'm not so late online, but yesterday I saw a good movie and went late to bed. I'm happy to be friend with you!

Forgeries you will find every where ... I can talk hours about forgeries from later P.R.C issues (>1950) or forged overprint on Silver Yuan Issues, Tibet, old Formosa, Shanghai and so on. Only knowledge and a good network with experts keep you safe.

Yes, they were sold in USA! Please see the following scans from a lot of fakes from the auctions in USA. Stunning results btw., someone lose a lot of money.


Appreciate. ( 1 or 3 ) I don't know what is the meaning? But this ( 1 or 3 ) should be with the printing unrelated, may be artificially do mark!

Yes, I also guess is unrelated, maybe something to classify the kind of misprint. Anyhow, it's interesting, here a sample with a "1"


Do you remember which auction tried to sell them? Maybe we can find out the source of this forgeries.

Did anybody noticed how stupid this forgeries are? The even used the wrong sheet size, I mean the wrong amount of stamps in a sheet.


Nice stamps, thank you for sharing!

Please enjoy


After many people feel safe to focus on the analyse of the paper types I like to show a stamp which was issued on a slightly different newspaper papers (structures, surfaces) and I like to make a small riddle for the experts!

Is this stamp a forgery or genuine? If you have an answer, please explain your opinion!

It was sold by David Feldman in Hong Kong in 2011 for 34.500 HK$
http://www.davidfeldman.com/buyi ... 011-sale/item/3663/


本帖最后由 Hsinyen 于 2013-1-9 20:01 编辑

Yes, good, you are right! It's a FORGERY! I just mention this example because NOT only the paper are important. This stamp tried to copy the position 7 in the sheet (left side of the double sheet of 9). Please compare this fake stamp with a genuine stamp from the same sheet position. To judge stamps also carefully look at the drawings.

The sample comes from this nice block with shifted overprint


Such mistakes happen nowadays quite often. We will see here many more examples.

How about the right stamp from this scan? Left stamp (genuine) is Pos. 1 from the left sheet and right stamp try to be Pos. 1 from the right sheet.


Perforation removed by scissors, value = 0.-

Forgerd overprint, value = 0.-


Please apologize, I don't publish this in public anymore. Always when I mention the mistakes and how to detect the forgeries a new generation of forgeries comes into the market which are more "perfect" and correct the mistakes I mentioned before.

I will send you an email to "lu888692@yahoo.cn" with scans.



These forgeries are for collectors who DON'T have genuine refercence stamps ... that's the dirty trick and not all collectors are so skillful to judge such "better" forgeries.

I report them because I hope to avoid damage to other collectors.


Yes, this 昆明加盖改作票 forgeries I also already reported to Zhao before.

Would be a plus if Zhao one days decide to work together with some experts and when they are bit more carefully from whom they accept stamps to sell.

It's quite clear that Zhao is not able to distinguish better forgeries.


Forgeries were sold (even it was announced to Zhao):


Zhao seems to be resist to learn something. Again they offer the same forgery:

Please warn everybody not to buy this forgery again. Last time they didn't remove the forgery even I informed them in advance.
Liberated Area Catalogue (http://www.artessa.de/catalogue.asp) under development.


回复 57# 我要区票

Thank you! Hope they withdraw this lot this time.
Liberated Area Catalogue (http://www.artessa.de/catalogue.asp) under development.


This lot at Zhao is for my opinion chemical bleached:

It's too bright white and the sheet shows typical curls they got after drying them (in the incorrect way) and in a too short time. It's not easy to get such a big sheet flat again after you put it in water...

Chemical bleached paper you can always distinguish if you look at the paper surface with strong glasses or a microscope. The paper surface is not smooth anymore and paper fibers come out. A chemical bleached sheet is debased.

I have no evidence here, this is just my opinion.
Liberated Area Catalogue (http://www.artessa.de/catalogue.asp) under development.


No, it's good possible they will sell it again (like the last 5 forged sets...  !!)

Is there no way to inform the buyers later that they bought a forgery?
Liberated Area Catalogue (http://www.artessa.de/catalogue.asp) under development.


Anybody know this auction?

1st forgeries:

2nd forgeries:
Liberated Area Catalogue (http://www.artessa.de/catalogue.asp) under development.

