本帖最后由 dowager1894 于 2015-8-13 10:46 编辑
Here is the article that CSS president (H. James Maxwell) published in the China Clipper magazine (China Clipper July 2014, Volume 78 Number 5), I copy it here so that more collectors would be aware of the forgeries on Ebay.
H. James Maxwell
A notorious seller of forgeries changed its user name to hhonlone February 11, 2014. This was zxd0902 from August 2012 to December 2012, augusstamps from December 2012 to July 2013, and spink365 from July 2013 to February 2014. Another seller of forgeries appeared in April 2013 with user name wowamazingrarity- consigner88 offering forged examples of Large Dragons, Northeast Liberated Area Sc. 1LQ1 and 1LQ4 parcel post stamps, Taiwan Province Sc. 10a inverts, Provisional Neutrality overprints, 1925 Kwangsi and Kweichow Province overprints, inverted Shensi DPP overprints (Sc. 525s), 1912 Republic Overprint errors, bisects, etc.
I ran across this Japanese Occupation stamp in a dealer’s red box and I just had to buy it.
It purports to be a 50 cents Mengkiang Surcharge on a $1 Single Circle Dr. Sun Yat-sen. It is a classic illustration of a forger going “a bridge too far”. First, the $1 Single Circle Dr. Sun Yat-sen (Scott 304, CSS 377) was never given a Large Character or Small Character Mengkiang District Overprint. Second, although there were numerous 50 cents Mengkiang Surcharges applied in July 1947 to Large Character or Small Character Mengkiang District Overprinted stamps (CSS MK 231-257), none were ever applied to $1 stamps; rather, all were applied to 1 cent, 2 cents, 4 cents or 5 cents values. After all, the entire purpose of the July 1947 Mengkiang Surcharges was to create larger value stamps of 10 cents, 50 cents and $1, because of the rate change, not to reduce the value of a $1 stamp to 50 cents.